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Showing posts with the label GYO

An Update

We've cleared the rubbish, erected a shed & divided the plot into sections.  I'm really happy that we've been able to do this in under a month!  Now we need to pick out as many weeds as we can , then rotovate, put manure down & get ready for our sowing season. Lots to plan!

Clearing Up: Day 3

We plan to go to the allotment every day, life permitting of course. Yesterday, Dh & my son E (henceforth known as Ds1) went & I stayed home  whilst L (ds2) had a nap. Dh completed the section we started the last time. Today though, we all went and got stuck in. Whilst I was attempting to dig, the supervisor of the allotment came over. I introduced him to my hubby & vice versa. I think he was impressed with our progress. I did some cutting back overgrown brambles & bushes. Got rid of some raspberry bushes & asparagus roots. Dh dug, whilst I raked. E also had a go! By the time we left, two thirds of our plot was cleared.  We stopped for lunch & ds2 napped. Bliss! 

Clearing Up: Day One

This was what we started with as a reminder: There was all sorts of debris on the plot including a bath. Overgrown bushes & weeds. It's not all bad though, wild raspberries are growing at the back of the plot.  The growing season is more or less over so we'll use this time to clear up the land & revitalise it in time for sowing season.  We managed to clear an eighth of the plot today. DH & I took turns in digging it over & clearing stuff off.  E had fun digging random holes!  We are just going to take it steady. I like that we can see progress already! 

And So It Begins!

I signed up for an allotment plot yesterday! I've always been keen to grow our own food but previously I dabbled in pallet gardening & herbs. Needless to say, this is a huge undertaking. I'm going to be documenting our journey on this blog. It'll mostly be photo based.  Stay tuned for our allotment tales!