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Showing posts from August, 2015

An Update

We've cleared the rubbish, erected a shed & divided the plot into sections.  I'm really happy that we've been able to do this in under a month!  Now we need to pick out as many weeds as we can , then rotovate, put manure down & get ready for our sowing season. Lots to plan!

Clearing Up: Day 3

We plan to go to the allotment every day, life permitting of course. Yesterday, Dh & my son E (henceforth known as Ds1) went & I stayed home  whilst L (ds2) had a nap. Dh completed the section we started the last time. Today though, we all went and got stuck in. Whilst I was attempting to dig, the supervisor of the allotment came over. I introduced him to my hubby & vice versa. I think he was impressed with our progress. I did some cutting back overgrown brambles & bushes. Got rid of some raspberry bushes & asparagus roots. Dh dug, whilst I raked. E also had a go! By the time we left, two thirds of our plot was cleared.  We stopped for lunch & ds2 napped. Bliss!